Saturday, October 4, 2008

enable/disenable vista remote automatic connection

Basically, we will not use this feature to connect remote automated so we can turn off this feature.

Concrete steps are as follows:

1), right-click "computer "---" property."

2) "set long-range "---" allow Remote Assistance to connect to this computer" check out point.

This is a way to protect our computer to connect to help prevent long-range threat posed. At the same time, we can achieve by modifying the registry to disable or enable the construction of long-range automatic connection.

Concrete steps are as follows:

1) regeidt run into the registry.

2) in order to open: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Polices \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ Terminal Sevices-key.

3) If you allow remote connection:

On the right side in a New: fAllowToGetHelp of the REG_DWORD and is set to 1. Restarting the computer, setting the entry into force.

4) If you disable the automatic connection for Remote Assistance:

Also in the top right side of the new sub-key called: fDisableAutoReconnet the REG_DORWD items and set a value of 1. Restarting the computer settings into effect.

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